Caporicorn Zodiac Love-Matches

The Goat 

Earth Sign

December 22 - January 20


Capricorn Basic Traits

Capricorns are serious, responsible, independent and determined. Individual personality characteristics can play a large role in determining the strength of these traits in any Capricorn, but they are commonalities that generally apply to many people born under this sign.


Capricorn Zodiac Sign - Guide To Capricorn Lovers

Capricorn is likely to succeed in the material sense, accumulating both wealth and power. Born under the earth sign they tend to be conservative lovers and sexual intimacy and expression has to be developed over a period of time.
Often the social butterfly they always mix in the right circles and dress appropriately for any occasion. 
Well-organized, perhaps even regimental in outlook, they to concentrate first upon their needs for material security and, upon satisfying that area of life, do they really begin to reveal their true values of loyalty, love and wisdom. The Capricorn lover will often remain aloof and refrain from making the first move until they feel truly in love.
Best Bed Mates for the Capricorn: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces. 

More Capricorn Personal Profile…..

More Capricorn Career Life…..


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